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Party Clubs

Party Clubs present the Gospel to churched and unchurched children. These one-time events are taught by Good News Club leaders, Sunday school teachers, children’s ministry workers, and other believers who love children. Party Clubs include a Gospel-centered Bible lesson, games, a memory verse, songs, and more! Party Clubs can be used as a one-time outreach program, a party for your Sunday school, and more. They can be held in schools, homes, churches, community centers, really anywhere children can gather. 

Christmas Party Clubs

Christmas Party Clubs are used to share the true meaning of Christmas with children. There are five different Christmas Party Clubs available through CEF so that you can host them year after year with new materials and content. Each one shares the Christmas story with a different emphasis. 

The five Christmas party clubs are: "Emmanuel," "Joy to the World," Light of Life," "God Keeps His Promises," and "The Backwards Birthday Bash."

Easter Party Clubs

Easter Party Clubs are used to share the real reason we celebrate Easter. CEF offers four different Easter Party Clubs, but each of them shares the hope we can have through Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection. 

The four Easter party clubs are: "Because God Loves You," "Always True Treasure Hunt," "The King's Crown," and "Jesus Gives Life and Hope."

There are seven other party clubs that CEF offers that can be used at any time of year. Some use fictional stories to share the Gospel, and others use biographies to share the Gospel. Although they can be used at any time during the year, they are typically used for a "Back-to-School" party with children. 

The seven available are: "The Ice Cream MESSage," "Dinosaur Tracks," "Secret of the Watermelon," "Thank You Spy," "Discovering with God (George Washington Carver)," "From Outlaw to Outstanding (John Perkins)," and "Blast Off (Johannes Kepler)."

Other Party Clubs

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